Interested in being a Sponsor?
Thank you for considering sponsorship of the Community Employment Alliance's Mission. Please review the options below and reach out to our Administrative Assistant to be put contact with Executive personnel to discuss next steps.
Email: [email protected]
Employment First Advocate- $5,500
Pay for the Keynote Speaker and speak after keynote for either the Fall or Spring Conference- 2 Available
- Free In-Person Conference Admittance
- Logo in program
- Vendor table
- 30-minute presentation timeslot at one conference
- Logo on CEA Website for 1 calendar year
- Social Media Boosts
- Logo attached to Keynote Speaker Announcement
- Contact Information of Conference Attendee's
Everyone Deserves a Pay-Day Advocate- $4,000
Share relevant information with an audience of Employment Provider, partners and Self Advocates- 2 available
- Free In-Person Conference Admittance
- Logo in program
- Vendor table
- 20-minute presentation timeslot at one conference
- Logo on CEA Website for 1 calendar year
- Social Media Booth
- Contact Information for Conference Attendee's
Monthly Advocate Speaker- $1,200
Join CEA in a Monthly Meeting and sponsor a partner's presentation- 8 available
- 30 minute presentation during claimed monthly meeting- you will join a partner of CEA who will share content with an audience of advocates, partners, and relevant community members
- Logo on CEA website for 1 calendar year
- Contact information for Monthly Meeting Attendee's
- Free Hybrid Conference Admittance for 10 people (good for one annual conference)
Friend of CEA- $500
Share your support of the CEA mission by a annual contribution of $500 (unlimited available)
- Name (individual or business) in CEA event program
- Logo on CEA website for 1 calendar year
- Free Hybrid Conference Admittance for 5 people (good for one annual conference)